Tuesday 25 September 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

Today i am gona talk about The Bourne Ultimatum.
This is the third installment of The Bourne Trilogy and it certainly matches up to its two previous movies.

In this film the whole story is tied up and everything is revealed.
Jason has to go back to the beginning and find out how he became "Jason Bourne" and who he really was before he became Jason.

This film has alot of action in it, it has much more action than the other two bourne movies.

The camera angles and the way the camera's are in this movie is very different from other movies, there is alot of blurry shots and alot of movement within the camera. This is just for effect but it can be quite anoying as you cannot focus properly on the movie.

Although the camera's can be in weird places .etc it is still a very good movie and a must watch for any Bourne fanatic or any fans of tense action movies.

I give this film a healthy

Here is a link to a trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=VlHwct4D3Pw

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